Maurizio Bradaschia

Maurizio Bradaschia at World Design Rankings

Showcasing Best Designers from Italy

Maurizio Bradaschia

Maurizio Bradaschia

Representing Italy in World Design Rankings

Award Level Count Indicator
Platinum 0
Gold 0
Silver 0
Bronze 1
Iron 0

More on Maurizio Bradaschia : Maurizio Bradaschia (Trieste, 1962) – iF Design Award 2017, Iconic Awards 2017, Iconic Award 2018, German Design Award 2018, German Design Award 2019 - graduated in architecture at IUAV in 1987 with Luciano Semerani (tutor). He obtained his Ph.D. at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome; he is associate professor in Trieste, where he teaches "Architectural Design" and "Urban an Regional Planning" at the Department of Engineering and Architecture.
Enabled in the first band in the competition sector 08 / C1 Design and Engineering Technology Architecture, is part of the School Committee of the Ph.D. in Architecture - Theory and design of the University of Rome, Sapienza, Department of Architecture and Design.
He has given seminars and lectures at Columbia University in New York, at the Faculty of Architecture of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, at the Technische Universitat Wien, at the Faculty of Architecture of Tianjin University in China, at the Faculty of Architecture of the Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile Ife, Nigeria and in major Italian universities; researcher in the Settlement Upgrading Programme (SUP), United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat), Informal Settlement Upgrading in the city of Ibadan (Nigeria); he was a member of the Italian transnational working team in the Vision Planet (EU Interreg IIC) project for the development of the Central European, Danubian and Adriatic space.
Maurizio Bradaschia was a member of the technical TEM (Trans European Motorway - ECE-UN).
Founder and Director of the international magazine of Architecture, Art, Communication and Design "Il Progetto". Author of over three hundred scientific publications. He has written for the magazines Domus, ab, Il Giornale dell'Architettura, Il Progetto, d'Architettura, Neoclassico, Hise, Muse Magazine, Count Down, L'ARSENALE delle idee, rivista di Economia, Politica e Cultura, Bealux, Compasses; collaborator at the Italian Encyclopedia Giovanni Treccani, where he wrote the biographical entries about Michael Graves and Gustav Peichl in the Appendix 2000 and the item "The Communication Architecture" in the work Millennium III, 2009; his projects have been published in Architécti, ab, Architekt, Area, d'A, Il Giornale dell'Architettura, Costruire, Il Progetto, Anfione e Zeto, l’Architettura, cronache e storia, World Architectural Review, Paesaggio Urbano, Architetti, Juliet, Hise, Escala, Oris, Bealux, Case & stili, Quaderni del Territorio, Edilizia & Territorio, l’ARCA, hinge, ioarch, a+d+m, The Plan.
Among the major works, the project for Lot 4 of the project Tergeste Urban PIC Italy, the expansion of the Town Hall of Sgonico, the civic center “via Pagano” for the City of Rome, the square Falloni in Monteiasi (TA), the Center of visits for the Picentini mountains in Eboli (SA), the new headquarters MIDJ in Cordovado (PN).
He has served on numerous juries of national and international competitions of architecture.
He participated in the 7th international architecture exhibition of the Venice Biennale (2000) “La sperimentazione del nuovo, giovani architetti italiani: un incontro sulla condizione contemporanea”.
He was one of the 65 invited architects to the exhibition "Dal futurismo al futuro possibile nell'architettura italiana" on the occasion of the celebrations for Italia in Giappone 2001. And was co-designer of the Master Plan for Trieste Expo 2008, the project was exposed in the 9th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, Metamorph (2004); he is among the Italian architects published in the catalog of the Italian Pavilion of the 10th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia (2006), he was among the invited international architects in the Hungarian pavilion at the 12th Biennale of Architecture in Venice in 2010.
Maurizio Bradaschia was part of the group of selectors for the italian gold medal for architecture in the context of the Italian Expo International Triennale of Milan (2002/2003, 2005/2006, 2008/2009, 2012/2013). He was advisor to the Prize In / Arch-Ance in 2005 and 2006.
Studio Bradaschia srl is, for the year 2017 and 2018, in the Build magazine’s Top 50 for Architecture.
He was the Town Councillor for Territorial Planning of the City of Trieste.

Maurizio Bradaschia has won a total of 1 design awards. You can learn more about Maurizio Bradaschia's achievements at Maurizio Bradaschia's A' Design Award Profile or discover more great designers from Italy at Italy Design Rankings .

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Frequently Asked Questions on Italy Design Rankings

Designers in Italy were ranked based on the number and level of design awards won. Best designers from Italy are sorted and listed above based on the number of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Design Awards won, total score for each designer is calculated based on the table below.

Color Legend Award Level
Platinum Design Award +6 Points
Golden Design Award +5 Points
Silver Design Award +4 Points
Bronze Design Award +3 Points
Iron Design Award +2 Points

Best designers in Italy are displayed in this page. To learn more about each designer, you will want to check their profiles and design portfolios.

The displayed Italy design rankings are based on the current aggregated scores of designers in Italy is between the years 2008 and 2025.

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